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Bumi Nilam Safety Sdn Bhd (1205881-T)
46, Ground Floor, Jalan Puteri 1/8, Bandar Puteri Puchong, 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia.

Regular Office Hours
Monday - Friday, 8:30 am - 5:30 pm;
Saturday, 8:30 am - 1:30 pm.
Scheduling an Appointment After Hours
If you feel you need to make an appointment on Sunday or after the switchboard closes at 5:30 pm, please call Miss Sarah 019-9109955 or leave a message. We will return your phone call as quickly as possible.

Parties can report a Whistleblowing complaint if they are aware of any Wrongdoing on the part of any of its employees, management, directors and vendors, in particular with respect to their obligations to the Group’s interests.
Parties submitting the complaints should disclose their names, contact number, details of person(s) involved, nature of allegation, when and where the incident took place and provide evidence, if possible.
Bumi Nilam Safety Sdn Bhd would like to thank you in advance for bringing to our attention your concerns. Please be assured that your concerns will be investigated according to established procedures.